Frequently Asked Questions
What is the first appointment with a biological dentist like?
The first appointment with a biological dentist will entail a comprehensive overview of both your medical and dental
history. This will allow us to have the most complete picture possible of your health and give us the insight to
detect any potential issues. Patients can also better understand the link between their oral health and total health
this way. Then, we can begin working together to start building a treatment plan and establishing realistic health
What is biocompatibility?
If a biomaterial is used in a medical device, it is subject to specific biological requirements. Biocompatibility is
the relationship between the patient and said medical device. It is possible for a body to reject a medical device
it is biologically incompatible with, leading to various complications. We perform individualized biocompatibility
testing to prevent any potentially dangerous results.
Is there a difference between "mercury-free" and "mercury-safe"?
Yes. Mercury-free practices do not offer any services relating to mercury fillings at all, while mercury-safe
practices can help patients remove or replace their mercury fillings. Mercury-safe practices are particularly
helpful for patients looking to make the transition from traditional to biological dentistry while minimizing any
mercury exposure.
How often do I need to see a biological dentist?
It depends on your specific health needs. Some patients require more treatment than others, while others require
less. In general, however, every patient should receive at least two professional cleanings a year. This helps
reduce one's risk of cavities and gum disease. Our office removes plaque without harmful chemicals. On the contrary,
we use natural solutions whenever possible to eliminate any stress that harmful chemicals may place on the body.
What is the mouth-mind-body connection?
As many complete health dentists have realized, oral health and systemic health are inextricable. This relationship
is known as the oral-systemic link. Biological dentists take this concept one step further with the
mouth-mind-body-connection or the belief that all parts of the body are inherently interconnected. Think of it this
way: A poor diet will inevitably lead to poor oral health, and using materials that you are biologically
incompatible with will inevitably affect your biochemistry. Your mindset also guides the choices you make about your
health. As biological dentists, we want to help keep each aspect of your health in prime condition.